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Free Learner Profile - FREE For learners who wish to access the educational activities provided by AAAP without applying for AAAP membership.
Health Professional Student - FREE Members who are currently pursuing degree in an accredited school as a health professional, such as a medical student, nurse, or PA.
Regular Member - $250 (USD) - 1 year Members who are an MD/DO – non-psychiatrists are welcomed to join.
Regular Member - $705 (USD) - 3 years Members who are an MD/DO – non-psychiatrists are welcomed to join.
Related Health Professional - $250 (USD) Members who are non MD/DO clinicians (nurse, physician assistant, nurse practitioner social worker, etc.) making a contribution to the field.
International - $200 (USD) Members living or working outside of the United States.
Semi-Retired - $158 (USD) Members who are 65 years and older and working part time.
Retired - $158 (USD) Members who are 65 years and older no longer working full time.
Early Career Psychiatrist - $135 (USD) Members who are one to three years out of residency or fellowship. Must be an MD/DO.
Resident/Fellow - $45 (USD) Members who are currently enrolled in an accredited residency or fellowship program. Must be an MD/DO.

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