Home » ABPN Awards AAAP Grant to Offset Cost of Virtual Annual Meeting

ABPN Awards AAAP Grant to Offset Cost of Virtual Annual Meeting

Grant Allows AAAP to Provide ABPN Diplomates a Reduced Fee for All AAAP Educational Offerings

The American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology (ABPN) has awarded a $100,000 grant to the American Academy of Addiction Psychiatry (AAAP) to help offset the impact of holding its 32nd Annual Meeting and Scientific Symposium as a virtual event.

“We are very grateful to the ABPN for providing us the funds that will allow us to conduct our annual meeting virtually while providing our members and ABPN diplomats the high level of education they have come to expect,” said AAAP President Kevin A. Sevarino, MD, PhD.

In return, all ABPN diplomates can access any remote self-assessment and CME activities provided by AAAP, including the Annual Meeting, Addictions and Their Treatment course (Oct. 1 – 2), and the Advanced Addiction Psychopharmacology course (November 6 and November 13) for the same fees as charged to members. This year’s Annual Meeting is being held Dec. 9 – 12.

“Although the COVID-19 situation is improving, we wanted to provide additional support this year so our diplomates can easily meet their Continuing Certification requirements,” said Larry Faulkner, MD, President and CEO of ABPN. “The ABPN is very pleased to be able to work with the AAAP to ensure that the needed Self-assessment and CME resources are available to help ABPN diplomates to maintain their competence.”

AAAP will use the funds to promote its virtual events, finalize educational products and update existing ones, and offset the cost of providing all ABPN diplomates a reduced fee for AAAP’s educational events.

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