AAAP leads and partners with many national grant and cooperative agreement projects with coalitions of national organizations, funded by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. These efforts are focused on how to address the opioid healthcare crisis. These grants focus on training primary care clinicians in evidence-based treatment of substance disorders, and in particular, addressing the opioid crisis.
Learn more about these initiatives:

Providers Clinical Support System-Medications for Opioid Use Disorders (PCSS-MOUD)
PCSS-MOUD was created in response to the opioid overdose epidemic to train primary care providers in the evidence-based prevention and treatment of opioid use disorders and treatment of chronic pain.
- 8 Hour MOUD Course – FREE
- MD/DO, Nurses, PA and Medical School
- Mentoring – Discussion Forum and Clinical Roundtable Discussions
- SUD 101
- Pain Curriculum
- Over 700 educational resources online

Opioid Response Network (ORN)
Providing training and education and no cost directed at the local level in every state and territory in U.S.

Expansion of Interprofessional Healthcare Practitioner SUD Education
This grant funds a pilot program testing an 8 hour introduction to SUD to 34 health professional schools nationwide covering 5 disciplines.
Managing Unhealthy Alcohol Use in Primary Care
AAAP is supporting the National Opinion Research Center (NORC) on an Agency for Health Research and Quality (AHRQ) grant. The project, titled Managing Unhealthy Alcohol Use in Primary Care, is focused on improving identification and increasing management of unhealthy alcohol use among adults in primary care practices.
Learn more about the AHRQ Grant