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REACH Minority Fellowship Grant

REACH Program

Each year, REACH recruits a cohort of Scholars nationwide for a 1-year training experience focused on improving the care of racial and ethnic URMs with SUD. To learn more about the program, please download our Web Brochure, and visit our website. For questions, please contact [email protected].

The application for 2024-2025 Cohort is now closed but please feel free to contact the REACH Program at [email protected] about getting involved. We appreciate your interest in providing culturally-informed healthcare to minoritized patients with substance use disorders.

Application Process


The overall goal of the REACH training program is to: (1) Increase the overall number of racial and ethnic underrepresented minority (URM) addiction specialists in the Addiction Psychiatry and Addiction Medicine workforce, and (2) increase the number of addiction specialists adequately trained to work with racial and ethnic URM patients with substance use disorders (SUD).

View Advisory Board

The essential elements for the REACH program include:

  1. A mandatory 1-week Intensive Course at Yale that will teach participants (advanced health professional trainees, medical students, residents and addiction fellows), collectively known as REACH scholars, about key structures that create and perpetuate health disparities in addiction and co-occurring mental disorders, and ways to mitigate these factors
  2. Direct mentorship to scholars appropriate to level of training, about how to pursue an effective career in addiction, focusing on patients with substance use disorders in under-represented communities
  3. Participant engagement in ongoing scholarly endeavors in providing care in underserved communities (i.e. Scholarly Project)
  4. Scholars are required to attend at least 1 Addiction Conference
  5. Continued learning through monthly webinars on best practices related to evidenced-based, culturally-informed health care

REACH scholars will also receive funding to support their training. Trainee Scholars (i.e. medical students, residents, APRN/NP students, and PA students) will receive $1,200 for their participation in the 1-Week Intensive and to sponsor their attendance to an Addiction conference. Fellows are also offered $1,200 to fund their participation in educational activities throughout the year in REACH, and up to $104,000 funding for their fellowship position at their respective institution addiction –ABPN and ABPM.

We are excited to teach, educate and train the future of addiction specialists to take care of patients in a culturally responsive way, which does not perpetuate health care disparities in addiction! All applications will be completed electronically. For questions about the REACH program, please email [email protected].