PCSS-MOUD provides training at no cost in a variety of formats. View PCSS-MOUD training offerings. If you would prefer to participate in an in-person or virtual training, please review the PCSS-MOUD calendar for locations, dates and times. Contact PCSS-MOUD with any questions.
8-Hour Education Options
- Online 8-Hour MOUD Training
- Online 8-Hour MSUD Training (only course that provides pharmacology CE)
- Online 16-Hour MOUD Training
- In Person and Live Webinar Trainings
PCSS-MOUD, a program funded by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), was created in response to the opioid overdose epidemic to train primary care providers in the evidence-based prevention and treatment of opioid use disorders and treatment of chronic pain. View PCSS-MOUD’s other educational training offerings at PCSS-MOUD.org.