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Behavioral Treatments for Stimulant Use

March 6, 2024
3:00 pm
Presenter(s): Brian Hurley, MD, MBA, DFASAM

The American Academy of Addiction Psychiatry and American Society of Addiction Medicine have created the Management of Stimulant Use Disorder Webinar Series, a live webinar series curated in alignment with the recently released Clinical Practice Guideline on the Management of Stimulant Use Disorder.

Elevate your expertise with four distinct webinars, each offering 1 continuing medical education (CME) credit, that delve into critical aspects of stimulant use disorder.

Q&A segments will allow participants direct engagement with the experts. Secure your place now to access in-depth insights and cultivate a nuanced understanding of managing stimulant use disorder.

This 1-hour, recorded webinar will summarize recommendations on behavioral treatments for stimulant use disorder from AAAP/ASAM Clinical Practice Guideline on the Management of Stimulant Use Disorder. The webinar will include discussion of a case scenario and a question-and-answer session.

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