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Home » Events » Mindfulness-Oriented Recovery Enhancement: An Evidence-Based, Neuroscience-Informed Psychotherapeutic Approach for Addiction and Chronic Pain

Mindfulness-Oriented Recovery Enhancement: An Evidence-Based, Neuroscience-Informed Psychotherapeutic Approach for Addiction and Chronic Pain

September 11, 2024
5:30 pm
-     7:00 pm
Presenter(s): Eric Garland, PhD, LCSW

1.5 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits

Dr. Garland will present the clinical approach and research evidence behind Mindfulness-Oriented Recovery Enhancement (MORE), an innovative, neuroscience-informed, evidence-based psychotherapy tested in over 12 randomized clinical trials funded by more than $70 million in federal research grants. Dr. Garland will describe how MORE simultaneously targets addictive behavior, emotion dysregulation, and chronic pain by integrating complementary aspects of mindfulness training, CBT, and positive psychology into a structured treatment designed to change brain reward system function. MORE has been shown to reduce opioid misuse by 45%, nearly tripling the effect of standard supportive group therapy.

Join us for our monthly live webinar learning series Addiction Psychiatry Advanced Psychotherapy Curriculum, targeted towards Addiction Psychiatrists, developed by the American Academy of Addiction Psychiatry (AAAP) in collaboration with Oregon Health and Science University (OHSU) and NYU School of Medicine. The curriculum is tailored specifically to address the educational needs of faculty and fellows of Addiction Psychiatry residencies throughout the country, and open to all AAAP members. The course directors for this program are Christopher Blazes, MD, Associate Professor of Psychiatry at OHSU, and David Stiffler, MD, Assistant Professor of Psychiatry at NYU.

Participants will be introduced to advanced techniques from clinical experts that can be readily applied to real world clinical situations in the absence of formal, intensive psychotherapy training. Interact with peers and subject matter experts on topics such as narcissism, motivational interviewing, cognitive behavior therapy, and more.

You can access recordings of past events and registration for live webinars here. We’ll also send out emails to remind you.

*All live webinars are conducted from 5:30 pm to 7:00 pm ET

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