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AAAP-AADPRT Visiting Scholars Award in Addiction Education

AAAP and the American Association of Directors of Psychiatric Residency Training (AADPRT) Addictions Committee are pleased to support the AAAP-AADPRT Visiting Scholars Award in Addiction Education.

AAAP members interested in supporting psychiatry residency programs and Child and Adolescent fellows to develop and improve their Addiction Psychiatry teaching and training are encouraged to apply to be a Visiting Scholar.

The award is granted to select psychiatry residency programs each academic year. Visiting Scholars may serve as content experts to train and coach faculty in teaching Addiction Psychiatry and help programs develop innovative approaches to incorporate and expand addiction teaching into general psychiatry settings. The Visiting Scholar will be used for consultation on education and training with their work supported by a stipend from AAAP’s Sheldon Miller Fund.

The submission period to apply to be a Visiting Scholar is March 6 – April 16, 2023. Submit applications to CMECPD@aaap.org with subject line: VISITING SCHOLAR APPLICATION.

Applicants are to submit a resume and no more than a 800-word document outlining the applicant’s experience with curriculum development and substance use disorder education and how to help a program achieve the following goals:

  • Support a Child and Adolescent fellowship program working towards developing their own integrated clinical services for outpatient child addictions, and access the current services as available in our community at various levels of care and how best to collaborate with community services.
  • Help the program develop a plan to access the current services as available in our community at various levels of care and how best to collaborate with community services.
  • Support a program to identify priorities/educational gaps that could be addressed using internal resources.
  • Visiting Scholar would be used for consultation on education and training.

Watch this webinar to learn more about the program

Structure of Consultation

The structure of the consultation will be mutually agreed upon by programs and visiting scholars and may include virtual consultation. Consultation may be spread over the academic year or may be consolidated into a shorter time frame to meet the goals of the program. Both the program and the scholar will be announced at the annual meetings of AADPRT and AAAP. For the first year of the program, a consultant has also been identified to support the visiting scholars

Educational Outcomes

Examples of educational outcomes for programs receiving this award include:

  • Developing teaching materials
  • Creating new addiction-focused rotations
  • Forging relationships with addiction specialty providers in the program’s local community, who may serve as educators in the program
  • Improving collaboration on the care of patients with SUD across interdisciplinary settings, such as primary care integration or infectious diseases
  • Developing local community partnerships for resident education, e.g. syringe exchanges, sober housing, judicial system
  • Other curricular ideas in addiction education reflecting program needs and required competencies in addictions

The 2023-2024 Visiting Scholar

Justine W. Welsh, MD

Justine W. Welsh, MDJustine W. Welsh, MD is a child/adolescent and adult addiction psychiatrist, and an Associate Professor in the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at Emory University School of Medicine.

She is the founder and Director of the Emory Healthcare Addiction Services and the Medical Director of the Addiction Alliance of Georgia, a collaboration between Emory University and the Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation.

Dr. Welsh will provide support to the University of California (UC)-Davis Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Program, with Dr. Anne McBride leading the initiative for UC Davis. AADPRT announced UC-Davis Child and Adolescent Psychiatry as the selected program at their May Annual Meeting.

2023-2024 Program

The University of California (UC)-Davis Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Program is working with Dr. Justine Welsh, to develop its own integrated clinical services for outpatient child addictions and to help the program understand the needs of the community that could be filled by targeted clinical training. They will also work to improve collaboration with community services and improve access to the current services available in the community at various levels of care.

Dr. Anne McBride is a child and adolescent forensic psychiatrist at the University of California, Davis. She is the Division Chief of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry at UCD, Program Director of the Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Fellowship at UCD, and an Associate Professor of Clinical Psychiatry. Her primary clinical work is at the Sacramento County Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Services clinic, the Child Behavioral Health Center and MIND Institute. Her primary forensic work involves consultation and evaluation of juveniles involved in the juvenile justice system where her passion for child addiction education originated. She was the 2020-2021 McDermott Assistant Editor-In-Residence for JAACAP, the 2021-2022 Editor of JAACAP Connect, and currently serves as the Assistant Editor for the Journal Club for JAACAP.

Past Visiting Scholars