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News from SAMHSA

SAMHSA Grant Application Process Webinars

SAMHSA is offering webinars on our grant application process to help organizations better understand the steps to apply for a SAMHSA grant. This webinar will focus on the process to apply, from registration to completion of the application. Organizations that have not received SAMHSA funds may find this webinar helpful. The webinar will be repeated and offered a total of four times across the months of December and January.

Please RSVP in advance for the webinar using the appropriate link below. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email.

Additionally, please spread the word. We encourage you to share this invitation with others in your organization, your members, and with others who may be interested in SAMHSA grants.

New SAMHSA Issue Brief: Co-Occurring Mental Health and Substance Use

SAMHSA’s Issue Brief, Co-Occurring Mental Health and Substance Use, offers valuable information to State Mental Health Authorities (SMHA) about co-occurring mental health and substance use disorders (COD). 

The document highlights the commonality of CODs and negative outcomes in the absence of evidence-based integrated care. It also provides an overview of treatment barriers and potential solutions, and the effectiveness of integrated care.

This Issue Brief is one in a series of briefs created by SAMHSA to provide guidance to State Mental Health Agencies to support improvement of the mental health systems within their states.

SAMHSA Releases Federal Guidelines for Opioid Treatment Programs and Explanatory Video Series

The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) is releasing new Federal Guidelines for Opioid Treatment Programs that align with the new regulations published in February 2024. 

These revised guidelines provide recommendations, guidance, and best practices for opioid treatment programs (OTPs) on the implementation and compliance of regulation changes in 42 CFR Part 8. The revised regulation went into effect on April 2, 2024, and the compliance date for OTPs was October 2, 2024. 

SAMHSA Now Accepting Public Comments on 2025 Draft National Guidelines for a Behavioral Health Coordinated System of Crisis Care

The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) is welcoming public comments on the Draft 2025 National Guidelines for a Behavioral Health Coordinated System of Crisis Care.

This update of the National Guidelines for a Behavioral Health Coordinated System of Crisis Care has been spurred by the country’s transition to the 988 Lifeline, as well as recent progress and emerging needs in the field related to behavioral health crisis system transformation. Interested people are invited to submit written comments from Thursday, December 5, 2024, through Sunday, December 15, 2024, at 11:59 p.m. ET.

For more information on the draft guidelines and to submit comments, visit the Crisis Systems Response Training and Technical Assistance Center website.

New SAMHSA Resource: Financing Peer Crisis Respites in the United States 

SAMHSA’s Financing Peer Crisis Respites in the United States report is a study from SAMHSA’s Center for Financing Reform and Innovation (CFRI) is releasing a report on peer crisis respites as part of a recovery-oriented continuum of crisis care. The report and webinar identify common characteristics, operations, and funding of peer crisis respites in a national sample of programs across the United States. 

View the report, webinar, and webinar slides on SAMHSA’s CFRI web page.

Communities Talk About: Engaging Colleges and Universities in Prevention — Webinar

Wednesday, December 18, 2–3 p.m. ET

This Communities Talk webinar:

  • Highlights the new cycle for 2025, as well as prevention resources and materials to reach college and university professionals.
  • Features ways you can participate and host your own Communities Talk prevention events in the next year.
  • Showcases past Communities Talk organizers from college and university campuses as well as community-based organizations who will share their prevention story.

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