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Opportunity to Join Effort to Improve Outpatient Addiction Treatment

Dear AAAP Colleagues,

You have an opportunity to join a national effort created by the APA, ASAM, and Friends Research Institute to improve the quality of outpatient addiction treatment. This effort named AMNet (Addiction Medicine Practice-Based Research Network) is supported by the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation of the DHHS with funding from the Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Trust Fund through a cooperative agreement with NIDA.

AMNet will address the opioid epidemic by helping practices and their providers drive quality improvement while creating a platform for future research.

AMNet is part of the APA’s PsychPRO patient registry. AMNet provides patient-reported measures including the SOWS, Brief Addiction Monitor, and an Opioid Craving Scale. Addiction psychiatrists can also use the DSM-5 Cross-cutting measure, PHQ-9, GAD-7, and more. Patients can complete these tools online prior to their visit or in the office on tablet computers provided for free to participating clinicians. Patient responses to measures will generate graphics, visualizing treatment progress over time.

Eligible practices treating substance use disorder include those with MDs, DOs, NPs, and PAs. Practices can be in office-based settings, community health or mental health centers, and outpatient substance abuse treatment programs (excluding federally regulated Opioid Treatment Programs).

AMNet members receive complimentary access to the PsychPRO registry through July 31st, 2022. PsychPRO is always free for APA members while starting August 1st, 2022, PsychPRO will cost only $460/year for non-APA members.

AMNet integrates with a variety of EHRs and uses rigorous safeguards to protect patients’ information. Participating practices will be asked to sign data sharing and business associate agreements. PsychPRO’s IT vendor has certification by The Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology and is HIPAA accredited.
Participating Clinicians will Receive:

  • Free access to PsychPRO as described above
  • Real-time data to track patients’ progress
  • Potential credit toward MOC Part IV Certification
  • Free CME webinars
  • $1,000 honorarium per clinician
  • Tablet computer
  • Opportunity to participate in research
  • Support on the use of AMNet

AMNet has the potential to help our field address quality issues and promote measurement-based care. It could help advance addiction psychiatry research. Please visit psychiatry.org/amnet and take the recruitment survey to see if you and your practice qualify.



Kevin Sevarino, MD, PhD

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