AAAP would like to encourage all Addiction Psychiatry Fellowship Directors to submit requests for requirements for Addiction Psychiatry fellowships. The deadline of January 17, 2020.
In particular, in addition to any other suggestions you may have, we are asking that you urge ACGME to reconsider the requirement to have two faculty members certified by the ABPN or ABPM addiction specialties. (See below). We believe that meeting the requirement of Section II.B.1. is sufficient to ensuring faculty expertise and supervision capabilities of any prospective program. In some locations, requiring two board-certified faculty members in ABPN or ABPM (much less, two in one of those) will be a significant barrier to expanding training in the much needed field of addiction treatment.
To submit recommendations to ACGME
You can access their website at
Scroll down to Addiction Psychiatry.
Download the changes and the Review and Comment form.
Fill out the form and email to
Thank you for your attention to this and help in shaping the future of Addiction Psychiatry training!