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Sponsorship Opportunities

35th Annual Meeting and Scientific Symposium

The American Academy of Addiction Psychiatry (AAAP) invites you to sponsor our 2024 Annual Meeting and Scientific Symposium in Naples, Florida. As one of the most informative conferences on addictions in the country, AAAP’s Annual Meeting provides the latest scientific clinical innovations and emerging treatments for all healthcare professionals who treat patients with substance use disorders and co-occurring psychiatric disorders.

To apply for promotional sponsorship opportunities for the AAAP Annual Meeting, please complete the following application form for AAAP’s review. Please note: If you do not have an account with AAAP, you must create one to complete the application. Once your application is approved, you will receive an email with a link to proceed with registration. Be sure to carefully read the Promotional Sponsorship Opportunities Guideline.

Sponsorship Application Sponsorship Guidelines

The promotional sponsorships are available for eligible and ineligible companies as defined by ACCME.

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